Monday, September 12, 2011

The best affordable cure for dry hands

Do you get chapped dry hands from washing them too much? I have to wash my hands several times a day when in the shop and they would dry out so bad my wife didn't want me to touch her anymore. The cure? Mineral oil. Mix in a half a bottle of baby/mineral oil into your liquid soap or lather your hands with the oil before the soap. The trick is that the mineral oil will let you wash and scrub away at your hands as much as you want while protecting the natural oils in your skin from washing away. Many products want you to apply moisturizers to restore what you should already have naturally, but most of them make it worse after five or ten minutes of relief. Some people don't have this problem at all because the oils in their skin aren't as soluble and stay put. So protect your hands with this cheap dollar store solution and wash less with cold water. Let me know how it works out for you! I'm sure you'll find your skin will feel better.

Friday, September 9, 2011

"Jetlagged" by Simple Plan, a song about dogs?

{caller} Hi, is this the request hour?
{radio station} NRJ FM!
{caller} Yes, I'd like to request a song for my wife, and I know I could probably choose from a million different songs in the world but instead I'd like to hear one from your list of 100 songs the big labels pay you to play over and over every goddamn day like a broken record, you know that one about stop breaking my heart, heartbreaker, or my heart, heart, heart, is so jetlagged. I just love the way the say heart three times, thats so original I don't think anyone has done that before. Thank you for giving me this freedom of choice where I get to choose what you tell me to choose over the air that gives the impression that you play what people want to.. [click!]

awwww... was it something I said? (calls back)

[ring] [ring]
{radio station} Hi, NRJ FM!
{caller} oh heloo [changing voice] I would like to request that song of yours
{radio station} which one, sir?
{caller} well it sounds like this .. [starts singing and barking like a dog]

songs that suck bad
dogs will bark at
turn it off faaasst..

{radio station} ummm I think you want to hear Jetlagged by Simple Plan?
{caller} No, this one had nothing to do with flying, it was more about dogs.. and it sounded like the kind of song you record really quickly when you have no musical inspiration left because you've been assimilated by life inside the music industry and and just want to put something out there for an album so you can keep raking it in and sporting the hoes.
{radio station} uhhh sorry sir, yo should call back when you find the
{caller} ARFF!
{radio station} excuse me?
{caller} you know in the sixties and seventies music was spirituality and some higher ups decided it was too dangerous for people to feel alive so they decided to start paying people like you to play music that effectively kills our soul and makes us stupid. That's their simple plan.
{radio station} goodbye! [click]

Sunday, September 4, 2011

9-11, why can't you just let it go?

It's that time of year again... the annual 9-11 remembrance day and this time it's the 10th anniversary extravaganza. Not just an opportunity to resurrect and relive the experiences of where you were when it happened and what you believe went down but mostly for the publications to have a field day with re-spinning people's beliefs on the subject. Already it’s surfacing everywhere, and this year it's a dilly dandy the centralized news / tabloids have whipped up for us... get this: everybody who doesn't believe the official 9-11 story is a CONSPIRACY NUT! Are you a CONSPIRACY THEORIST?! Well if you believe 9-11 had some glaring holes in the official story then I guess you are, or at least that’s what the papers are saying. If you believe, as half of the public do, that WTC7 fell a little too fast for a building that got hit with some debris from the neighboring towers then you are effectively a LOSER according to today’s well researched news.

Yup that’s right, for this tenth anniversary of the three buildings that fell on September 11th 2001 if you don’t believe that some Arabs flew hijacked planes into the WTC after some piloting lessons in a Cessna that made the three buildings fall neatly into their footprint, well then you’re in for some trouble. Prepare to be debased, and categorized along with nuts who believe Elvis is still alive and that crashed U.F.O wreckage was recovered in Roswell. Prepare to be packaged into a myth for history books to seal the deal in this long exhausting effort for the ruling elite’s media machine to stifle everyone who smells a rat. The centrally controlled Canadian publications today lowered themselves to pitching this “comfort of conspiracy” theory, which I think is quite the crappiest example of journalism lately. What about the comfort of apathy? Here it is in the Montreal Gazette, Calgary Herald, and the Ottawa Citizen. It basically repeats the same rhetoric from this BBC documentary claiming that people who believe in conspiracies, or question authority are wackjobs.

“In an analysis of conspiracist thinking, British psychologist Patrick Leman suggested in a 2007 New Scientist paper that belief in conspiracies, however outlandish, is a coping mechanism for the insecure. That on the one hand, convincing ourselves of conspiracy theories wishes away the stark, terrifying arbitrariness of life on this Earth, or, on the other, compensates for a sense of disempowerment and enables people to blame personal failures on the clandestine machinations of a malevolent governing system that conspires to keep them down and from knowing the truth of their evil schemes.”

Ummm sure, but not every 9-11 truther is a complete failure that doesn’t think for themselves and automatically blames the government for their shortcomings. A very large percentage of rational people who put in their time everyday want to know why WTC7 fell, or why that plane that supposedly crashed in Pennsylvania just left a little gopher hole in a cow patch with half of an Arab passport. The Calgary Herald says 9-11 truthers ignore the facts to cry CONSPIRACY! Have they listened to this?

Do they even care about the facts?

People have every reason to believe in these “conspiracy theories” because they make more sense then the clumsy official explanations. Was the recent government bailout for Wall Street a conspiracy? No, that really happened! Journalism just feels like a cheap, centrally controlled tool for manipulative fodder to quell dissent rather than anything adequately informing. And don’t worry, your not a loser. Anyone with two eyes can see through this one.

  1. Why did the news agencies report that WTC 7 collapsed almost 1/2 hour before it did, even though it was not hit by a plane, only had a few floors on fire, and gave no indication that it was in any serious danger?
  2. Why do we still believe the tale of the 19 hijackers when so many of the accused hijackers showed up ALIVE within days? And why do we sill believe the fable of the 19 hijackers when the FBI admitted that they are not sure about either the identity of the hijackers or if there were any hijackers at all?
  3. Why was WTC 7 rebuilt, reopened and reoccupied with no press attention? Wouldn't this be an important victory in American resolve and perseverance?
  4. Why were the NORAD rules changed for the first time several weeks prior to 9/11, taking responsibility/authority for shooting down hijacked lanes away from NORAD military command for the first time in its history, and given to a civilian, Donald Rumsfeld, and then returned to NORAD the day after 9/11?
  5. Why would hijackers planning on attacking NY and Washington DC drive from Florida, pass both DC and NY, and drive all the way to Maine and hinge this huge operation on a connecting flight from Maine to Boston, where we are told they hijacked their plane? Why wouldn't they fly out of any of the airports that are visible from their targets, like Newark, La Guardia or JFK...or even some of the smaller local airports that would have given them a clear easy path to their target and reduce the amount of time that our air defense systems would have to stop them?
  6. Who placed all of those put options on the airlines just prior to the event, as if they knew that the stock prices on those specific airlines would lose a huge amount of value?
  7. Why did George W. Bush's Secret Service detail not rush the president to safety when it was evident that the nation was under attack? If the nation was under attack, and they did not know the scope of the attack, and the president's location was known, how did they not worry about being attacked in Florida?. Why did they act as if they knew that there was no threat? And why, when our nation was under attack, did the president not rush into action? If you say he was concerned about upsetting the children, you are the ultimate apologist. He could have told them that his mommy was on the phone and he had to see what she wanted. Our county was supposedly being attacked and he/they waited 20 minutes before they moved. This is the smoking gun of smoking guns.
  8. Why did the FBI never list Osama bin Laden as being wanted for 9/11? Actually, we know this one...because they admitted that they had no evidence linking him to the event.
  9. Why was their molten metal flowing under the wreckage of the WTC for months? No jet fuel can melt metal, and nothing explainable could melt that much metal and keep it hot enough to remain molten for a month.
  10. How did a passport of one of the so called hijackers make it through the huge fireball and end up on the street?
  11. Why have photos from the 80+ cameras confiscated at the Pentagon never been released?
  12. Why did the airplane that supposedly crashed at Shanksville vaporize so that nothing remained, not bodies, not luggage, not metal, - nothing - for the first time in aviation history? However, we are told that even though the plane vaporized at Shanksville, a hand-written note from a hijacker was found.

Yesterday’s front page in Canadian papers had that trademark shot of the twin towers, smoking like a campfire after being extinguished, and the power of suggestion title "The Comfort of Conspiracy Theories". Interesting I thought, I've never taken comfort in the government's lies and basically treating people like expendable sheep. I would sleep well knowing my government isn't killing people here and abroad to keep the automotive and military industrial complex running full speed ahead. If I'm a "conspiracy theorist" (or someone who has thoughts of my own) I'm supposed to take comfort in the idea that I am an alternative to the status quo, cuz maybe that will get me laid. I'm just a trend you see, not someone who wants honesty or transparency in government. The theory that people take comfort in conspiracy theories, ghosts, ufo’s and other imaginary things is a new attack on people who aren't going along with the new conformity even though we are experiencing unprecedented levels of conformity. People can take comfort in things that back up their beliefs, it’s just a google search away, but I can take more comfort in knowing that foreigners attacked New York and not my own government. Isn’t that less rhetorical, more logical?? Why can't I let it go? people keep asking. Why do you have to hang on to such silly things .. is it because you care about the quality of life your children will have? maybe its because WERE BEING LIED TO EVERYDAY? BECAUSE IF OUR LEADERS WERE PARENTAL FIGURES THEY WOULD BE DEADBEAT LYING THIEVING BABY KILLERS. Now these capital letters I've used are typical of what the nouveau right have labeled as the actions of a conspiracy theorist. They exude anger, radical behaviour, and frustration when people don't believe what they know they believe is the god given truth. Think of those guys living in their parents basement, like the lone gunmen on the x-files, you don't want to be like them! you want to be like us.. the conformists, the upper class, the cool and collected elegant who can afford to take comfort in apathy for the modern exploitation because it's easier to go back to work in the morning if you block it out.

Remember what Bush said "your either with us, or with them... the eeeevil ones". The problem with these buzz words, left/right wing, haves/have-nots, conservative/liberal, good/evil, conformist/terrorist dissent ridden mad fool, is that they are black and white DICHOTOMIES and aren’t so much used in examples of highly respected essays of thought, as they are more oftenly used in today’s pitiful examples of dare I say JOURNALISM and manipulation. When you want to condition people into a form of inebriated compartmentalized confusion, polarize them, just as you would give guns to tootsies in Africa to keep them in a perpetual state of ignorance and confusion going around shooting each other, I'm right you're wrong! But there is no black and white, there are shades of grey, a whole spectrum of plausible rights and wrongs. The government just loves keeping people stupid with sex, and religion, patriotism, beer and sports, and sports being a good example of a dichotomy. Team A vs Team B, well who do you like? I like team A the red ones!! why, because they represent my city and where I was born, they will all be playing for other teams in less then two years and might be playing for team B the blue ones even, but hey thats my team!! Of course there is nothing wrong with this in Canada, it's in our blood to play hockey, but just like nothing is red and blue, nothing is black and white. People who believe the official 9-11 story aren't necessarily Rothschild’s minions, and people who know it's a load of hogwash aren't necessarily Lee Harvey Oswald terrorists that we should put under surveillance because they might buy a trench coat and shoot some students in a nearby schoolyard. These are agents of mass conditioning. It makes me think of the stereotypical bad guy or villain in a comic strip, cartoon, or Hollywood comedy like Home Alone. The bad guys always get caught because their lies are always really bad. Well the funny thing is the bad guys in real life are somewhat similar. They are careless, the difference is even though their crimes are lightly covered and then exposed on the internet, no one reprimands them today. Everything about 9-11 is a glaring really bad attempt at covering over their ransacking.. think of Larry Silverstein's little freudian slip when he said "we decided to PULL the building" when talking about WTC7 which fell neatly into it's footprint when it was NEVER TOUCHED BY ANYTHING WITH AN ARAB THAT TOOK FLYING LESSONS IN A CESSNA OR HANGGLIDER. And then he said, “oh sorry I was talking about the firemen”. Wrong. Nothing adds up in the fabricated stories of 9-11 with the four or five pieces of debris found in Washington or the other four or five pieces of debris found in the little farm field where the plane supposedly crashed. Their lies are lazily and sloppily tacked together in the kind of ah whatever we gotta put something out there for 'em kinda way that makes you think, shit, lying to the public must be getting real easy these days if they can just not care about the quality of the lies anymore and get away with it. Look at Bush, and Cheney, and Rumsfeld.. do they look like people who really care about hurricane Katrina victims or take seriously what they are saying. They slip up and then they casually laugh it off like "it's okay, the western public is cool if they can laugh at their leaders, the silent majority is too busy stuffing their faces with krispy kremes to really care about my blatant obvious lies to make a killing $$ off of killing people in other countries while we play World Police". Bush wasn't so much stupid, as much as he really just didn't give a flying duck about his job, what he was supposed to be pretending to do, and what others thought of him. You gotta love this guy, he is the most likeable of all the bad guys because he's an honest criminal. What he always wanted to say was "I'm gonna reem you guys in the a$$ for eight years and their aint a goddamn thing you can do about it, haha", this attitude was written across his face for his entire presidency like a spoiled little boy with his daddy pulling the strings, and he's right. Nobody knows, and if they do, they just don't care. He laughs every day at what a carnival freak show facade he was asked to front, and I guess were supposed to like him for his kind of non-chalante apathy. Just picture him laughing with his friends,"your not gonna believe what my daddy’s friends are gonna get away with.. you know that other smaller tower WTC7 that was supposed to be hit by the third plain that went down in a cow patch in Pennsylvania because of those non-cooperating passengers? Well it's still laced with thermite just like their them bigger towers that we pulled two hours ago and its still set to go bang in another hour or so too, and we can’t get in there during the day, so plane or no plane it's comin down, yeehaw! . Were gonna tell the public it came down because of some debris that hit it haaa! Can you believe that? “

Bush and his cronies must of laughed all the way to the bank at what retards we are for going along with this and how apathetic we are to their murder. The word “conspiracy” is being used in these articles in such a way that “some people still believe these theories” but the truth is many people don’t believe the government anymore and for a good reason, and that has nothing to do with any conspiracy… when the conspiracy becomes reality, it’s no longer a conspiracy no longer how many times the papers smooth it over. The wall street bail out really happened!! Guantanamo, East Timor, Iraq, and now Libya, soon Venezuela That’s no conspiracy!!! George Carlin used to like to talk about euphemisms a lot, words that are kind of used to soften up the real ugly meanings, a good example being FREEDOM FIGHTERS instead of American soldiers killing people abroad for oil. The word conspiracy is now being respun to mean anything other then the government’s explanation for everything and conspiracies are for LOOOOSERS so don’t even consider other explanations. FEAR. Implanted fear of not being accepted by your peers and the engineered version of cool industry that will make millions off of those insecurities. Now don’t get me wrong, there are some pretty big screw ups out there that really want to blame all their problems on the government, so naturally they love conspiracies and I think this is where these attacks are kind of justified, but this doesn’t account for the millions of normal people who just can’t swallow these blatant lies that they are trying to ram down our throats. You can’t get all the centrally owned publications around the world to repeat this “comfort of conspiracy” mantra and expect people to just put all our doubts behind us and move on with the new order underway. What about “The Comfort of Apathy”? There is nothing comforting about what the ruling elite are trying to pull off, and it’s not a conspiracy. We have to drop this wordspeak, the x-files had their last season over a decade ago. There is no conspiracy anymore just truth seekers and believers because you careless bureaucrats didn’t cover your tracks, and people want answers, not more poor journalism like this.

Do I feel justified and comforted in these accusations I am making? Yes I do, because I am following my instincts not the propaganda, I am awake enough not to be submitted to mass hypnotism, and I’m not the only one. If you want to lie to us, do a better job next time. We can't just "let it go" because everyday we wake up and go to work for our superiors, we feel like the children of murderous parents when there is a good possibility that the ones who pull the strings at the top .. are killers.