Monday, August 13, 2012

DNA and the Digital Consciousness

America has always controlled their drugs.. from Afghanistan, to Columbia, and around the world. they control the supply and what your fed with. Your body can only be healthy and strong with a careful balance of what you see, hear, and eat. Unfortunetly America feels threatened by the strength you would inherit if you were healthy, and reconnected to zion / the source  so they now poison what you see, hear, and eat. They control what are good drugs, good music (which is now spiritually void music) and the seed of sustenance, food, life, and everything you crave to live. Much of what the modern deluge is about, is what is locked in our DNA. Do your children have habits you only did as a toddler that seem to surface out of nowhere? if you repeat something long enough, as you will know from raising your children, it gets learned and eventually stored into the deeper part of our genetics to be passed on to later generations like hidden little gems .Your children will inherit many symbols from you and every generation of parent in your genetic line from the begining of life, and these instincts and symbolic traits keep popping up in certain gene pools that outwit the royal order. These people, mostly artists of a sort keep these symbols alive through parables, metaphors, and allegories in stories, movies, and the underground arts to re-awaken something within that reconnects us with the modern dilemma and sense of emergency for reclaiming our freedom from total slavery to a poisonous virtual / digital environment. The royals answer to this is to poison our gene pool by subjecting us to a plastic virtual environment in the urban centre for at least several generations to confuse the old instincts and hopefully wipe them clean for good. Controlling the arising instinct with "digital consciousness", using the metropolitan center as a game to block emerging insight, rewarding participants, breeding more of the genetic pools that have repetitively come to the city and played the game without considerable dissent and sidelining genetic pools with older traits still connected to the wilderness and rural areas. Money changers can do this, just fund the sectors you want to see grow like growing a human garden.  

So what good is consciousness if your children will be passing on ones and zeroes to their offspring? Don't believe me, or what you see.. but be weary of what you ingest because your DNA is recording everything, and because you don't live in a tree anymore and sleep amongst the harkened radio jamming signals.. you risk poisoning your kind forever with genetics that resemble too many colours being mixed together or mushy bubble gum after it is chewed with food. You are living through one of the largest mass hypnotism / demonic posessions ever conducted. For the love of mother nature, our planet a perfect and holy utopia when untouched by this modern poison, please.. learn to detach yourself from this place. Learn survivalism. Learn to consider that the child today with the clarity gained from less, not more, might be the priveleged one tomorrow.