Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Excavation Site #13

I remember planet Earth, at least, back when it was called that. When I was born in 1978 it was a generation that would be permitted, as most do, to experience a taste of the old world and what was to come. The transition of modernity from something dignity driven to an all consuming machine that would enslave us all was something traumatizing to bear witness to.. but it was us, the buyers, the consumers that breathed life into the monster. One moment I was hanging from a tire tied to a big old oak tree wiser then time, overlooking the green valley and the next I was living in a dark concrete block surrounded by lepers dying from hunger, from lack of air, and from cyber-disease. Like bacteria, like organisms cheating the laws of nature, we grew while we still had the choice. We never could step back. The cities grew to such proportions without necessary limits for the sake of a muscular economy to feed the rich and soon the resources dwindled to the point that only the marvels of science could support such an inflated population. We would never be the same.

Inevitably we reached the point where people became incredibly ill. As time, and the cycle of urban life got faster so did our problems multiply exponentially. Near the end, things that took centuries happened in days, hours even. Inflation, and pay-raises were a daily occurrence for people, the market bounced about and controlled whether one would have three or no meals a day. The game became everything, it was the difference between survival and death, and the uncooperative poor dropped off like flies. The poor were put in "reality TV arenas" a kind of televised battle-dome where they might stand a chance of survival if they entertained the rich enough. Genetically engineered food made the poor mutate and break out in soars, while the rich who had inherited the rural parts from the meek, could afford real food. The poor were contained in urban centers resembling concentration camps, excavation sites whose only purpose was to be a perpetual motion machine for the chosen. Anyone that tried to escape was shot. They did not need to know that clean air, and a world without money existed on the other side.

I used to ask my dad a lot of questions as a kid. He would take me for rides in the big John Deere tractor under the harvest moon and I'd ask him "what makes the hay bailer machine turn?" and he'd reply "the tractor". Then of course I'd ask what made the tractor machine turn, and I'd think of all the little gears turning inside where there was a master gear driven by some unseen force. It wasn't until I was in high school that I learned about combustion, and how a spark plug ignites explosive fuels in a contained chamber that drives the pistons and makes everything else turn. Later on I learned how to apply that same model to the workings of a city. i was standing on Mount Royal looking down at Peel St when I saw it. The little roads like conduits housing the anxieties of modernity, the pressure of people driving the gears with their population, their density steam, the wheels turning with only the energy created by their desire to GET OUT! What an unbelievable irony i thought. How did we fall for this trick? Surely we have sinned by selling our farms in zion to come here, but did we have a choice?? the market was played to make the farmers sell everything, then when they were gone, they played the market again by switching the urban land value over time with the rural so that only the elite could afford to locate where it was organic. Once everything polarized a dictator came in, some referred to him as the anti-christ, and he built many walls like the Chinese to house the poor into the city.

In the years 2011 and 2012 there were a series of earthquakes that shook the world, and many institutions of life had to be reformed in the conservative sense. More rules, and less room for carelessness.. we had to follow the model if we wanted to eat and survive. We had effectively fallen into the age of consequence. I remember watching the footage of the first quake in Japan where a tsunami wave was rapidly moving inland. Much of the videos showed cars, boats, and other things of such value and panic were being tossed around in the cesspool cities, but they did not bother me as much as this one clip did. It showed the usual brown wave of debris and muck moving rapidly across green crops and pastures of the country eating up what we would really miss in the future. Beauty. It really had some affliction on me because of what it represented symbolically, and I had seen it before, like deja-vu perhaps in a dream when I was young enough to see such visions while asleep. The peasants don't deserve this, and many city people I'm sure don't deserve it either but it always gave me such a sense of satisfaction to see the machine that is the city that never stops finally come to a screeching halt. Finally equilibrium has reclaimed its place I thought, she might be a slow mistress but time is on her side.

I heard some french guy in Sex-town, formerly known as "Montreal" developed something of considerable value for the elite, a type of magnetically driven generator. Like all great peasant Edison's did in the past he devoted his unrestricted mind to creativity fit for the enjoyment of others, but was used for his ingenuity, then tossed away for such marvels. The french people of Montreal were the only people to fight off the new world order for such a time, and were given a deal that they could keep their city as is if they agreed to excavation sites within the earths crust, researching new technology for the elite and also allowing unrestricted access to their captivatingly beautiful women. In pre-antichrist times excavation sites mined for many minerals but mostly for diamonds and gold that were of great value to the elite, not just because they could be made into pretty things, but unbeknownst to the majority, they were a source of far greater energy then any combustible fossil fuel could deliver. The greys, and the reptilians have been visiting our planet for the past 1000 years to collect them. One pebble sized diamond can produce enough energy for them to travel from here to the sun in under twenty five seconds. Gold can do the same in under ten with no exhaust. The funniest thing to me was the discovery that a lot of so called "alien abductions" were just caused by spaceships that ran out of gas so to speak and then you had some strange incident with aliens "fondling my wife's hands!" or something for a dumb rock. I always wondered why such trivial "rocks" were of such immense value to the elitist bankers of the world, when others were treated as weeds. Surely there was more to it then just making expensive shiny jewelry? Where do all those golden bars in the vaults disappear to anyways? Well now everybody knows because us peasants work in the mines ten miles below the ground to cultivate what's left of these precious stones. It is why planet Earth has come to be known by it's reptilian name, Excavation site #13

I hear they still drive cars in the country, and I wonder if they ever realized the dream for a perpetual motion machine that could run endlessly without depleting our sacred diminishing resources. Could they have finally found the missing part or ingredient they employ here in the concentration camp cities that drive the wheels endlessly without question. The only perpetual motion machine to ever exist is driven by something that doesn't even exist except in paper and digital form. How about that? Could they have finally found the mechanical equivalent of MONEY, to power their golden chariots?

Why bother. They have us.

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