Have you ever heard a pot smoker talk about their weed use, or try to justify and make sense of their plant addiction? I've heard them talk about how it takes the edge off of the speed of social progress etc, which I can relate to as a modern city dweller, worker, and socializer. It's called dope because thats what it does and its nice to just go low, or be stupid for a while when you have to be on your toes all the time in the "real" world. I mean, what if you have these instincts that would normally serve you well in a real setting but when you come to the city your instincts do nothing but bombard you with "this isn't right" and feelings of imbalance and warning as any animal or hybrid half animal would. The city isn't a very natural thing. It's a sort of simulation / manipulation, or production hub, where you must bend yourself into new shapes on an increasing daily basis to help make this product for the economy. Somehow you must convince yourself this is "reality" and you learn how to cope and accept it eventually. So when a pot smoker says it "helps take the edge off" I think cool well if it keeps you from turning into an anxiety stricken maniac like many I see (many who have turned to big pharma) then it's all good. I think well maybe thats the gift of such a plant that it can curb your instincts for just a while so you can learn to accept this massively unnatural way of living, and maybe.. just maybe.. enjoy yourself the way you deserve to. Sounds nice.
I had this thought the other night that some people are like those popper things, you know the ones you'd get in your cereal box and when they pop they kind of jump and it's so very exciting. Well you've probably heard the saying "I'm gonna pop!" before and my thought about that is well some people are stuck in a concave mode (introverted) and some people are already popped in a convex or extroverted mode, so it's only possible to really POPP! if you are a concave popper. But with every daily occurence even convex poppers bend inward occasionally, and concave poppers bend outwards depending on the severity of their experiences. Life as either one can be difficult and I can attest that it is truly possible to suddenly wake up one day and find you have changed from one to the other but it depends on who you are too. Sometimes it's good to bear all, and at other times it's good to be a fly on the wall. You also don't want to pop too much because it can wear you out.. but thats treading on another conversation to do with bi-polar / borderline diagnoses that doctors hand out frequently today. I'd like to hear a doctor say "no there's nothing wrong with you, and I'm not going to presribe twenty different corporate drugs for you to line my pockets, it's just society and the institution I work for thats messed up. Hope that clears everything up for you, now go home, try to ignore the lack of public confidence in our "elected" leaders, relax a little, and have a nice day".
A doctor could just as well say SMOKE THIS, then send you home, but I'm still sitting it out on the fence for this one. I've had many good times with my "chemo" friends but Marijuana users have a tendency to be really apathetic about EVERYTHING. "Yeah man, those people fighting in the middle east.. their just not getting good stuff, or yeah those control freeks in government that want to enslave us.. they need to change their dealer or grow homegrown." Thats their attitude about everything! Do you see how private interests behind the usefulness of boozing everyone up can easily get behind mass marijuana sales? I mean, when is anger or fear or anxiety ever justified?! Sure nobody likes these emotions but what if they are a very natural reaction to a very unnatural thing that is brewing underneath the bowels of the ruling class? Nature gets angry with storms and whatever to try and restore balance and maybe not enough lately. Will civil disobedience stop our government from building the
"black box" in utah? How do you go to work everyday living with the possibility that you are helping to build a future of enslavement? Strange days indeed.
Well, anyways it's spring-time in Montreal now and we have protests every weekend almost resembling student parades and they are becoming increasingly profiteable for hot dog vendors! Pot smokers really digg that.