Ever notice how much emphasis there is on economy in the last ten years? Everything rides on the economy now, but where is it? Do we have eight out of ten, or maybe a B-, or a D+ ? Sometimes it feels like this word they throw around for stimulating growth where they see fit. Where can I check the state of the Canadian economy online? Is there somewhere that solidly grades our economy, where I can see this economy thing? We work for the economy, because if it fails then everything fails, but where the hell is it? The system of economy is quite simple, it's devised like a reward system, like a doggy biscuit. Because our country does not print it's own money (Bank of Canada is not accountable for digital money and electrons in circulation) we borrow it from someone else.. so depending on how our prime minister spends this money we get a good economy rating. Like in grade school! Simple right? If Harper kisses the right asses in trade talks, we are rewarded with some less worrisome economy figures to bring home to our parents. That's all. If we participate in the G8 and secure free trade then we will not be threatened with a bad economy like Brazil had theirs taken away by the world bank some time ago, or Greece. Just suck up Harper style to whoever your superiors are, and you'll get your bursaries and place on student council.
I've scoured the internet for Canada's economy advisory system and all I found was this ..

Yeah you remember that thang. You might recognize it from when George Bush was in power down south, and it's a scare system that has been recently decommissioned due to it's apparent stupidity. It's been replaced with another system that doesn't exist, except in the form of an email (when the economy is bad)
So how is the economy different then this chart above? They both exist in some virtual, non-physical / tangible form and are used to scare people into perpetual motion. Where would the world be without incentive for growth? Well incentive can come in the form of believing in your elected leaders and their wholesome purposes but since we don't have that any more, we have the word "economy" to toss around like a hot potato token ring. That, and a big depression epidemic when there is no public confidence in our system or leaders which is completely ignored and profited off of by privatized healthcare hacks with their happy pills.
It's not uncommon to see that the economy looks promisingly good, and then really really BAD on the same day! You can read this suave guy's opinion on economy, where there is suggestion that you'll find the answers in a crystal ball! How appropriate.
Long live Santa Claus! and the economy. Here is Stephen Harper's Christmas wish list! Enjoy!!
Notice the part in this document about the engineered "whatever's good for the economy" and the "planned to fail economy". Everything makes so much more sense now. No wonder Harper always looks so relaxed, he has the easiest job in the world.. just do whatever's good for the bloody economy!! and the ruling elite in Britain / Switzerland will send you a Christmas turkey with bells on.